The earliest, the 015003

On the website, the depicted advertisement for ‘parts & rims’ was posted on January 23rd, 2015 in the Classified Parts section.

project 015003

Amongst some parts, a 1986 900 convertible project car is offered. Curious for details, I contacted the seller. It turns out to be a very early flatnose convertible production car, with serial number 015003! That is a January or February built car, equipped with a manual gearbox. In fact, it comes in as the oldest production car known in the registry! The pictures acquired later on show a car that is in need of a lot of TLC:

One could expect a car like this to indeed end up on the scrapheap. But… the latest news on this car is that it is on its way to the Netherlands…! Let’s see what will happen!

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